They have smashed it! Huge congratulations to our Year 13 students who have achieved a fantastic set of A Level results again this year! 


We are thrilled that our students have succeeded in securing their first choice places at top universities including Oxford, Durham, York and Liverpool to pursue their varied interests with course choices ranging from Biochemistry (Molecular and Cellular) to History of Art, Law, Physics, History, as well as a Degree Apprenticeship in the construction industry. 

Rachel was thrilled to achieve a clean sweep of A grades and has accepted a place at Oxford to study Bio Chemistry.

Nearly half of all A Levels were awarded A* and A grades with a number of subjects achieving a clean sweep of A* and A grades including English, Mathematics and Economics. 

Read our results summary here.

Libby was thrilled to have achieved a place at her first choice University – St Mary’s – where she will study Sport and Exercise Nutrition.

Headmaster, Mr Lello says: “Once again, we are extremely proud to share that pupils at Babington House are celebrating a tremendous set of A Level results in 2024. We are extremely proud of the achievement of our Year 13 pupils and their fantastic results are a testament to their hard work and commitment.”

Grace was happy to achieve a clean sweep of A Grades and will be moving on to undertake a Degree Apprenticeship in Construction Project Management.

We wish each of our students the very best as they take their next steps into the wider world, to further immerse themselves in the subject areas they have enjoyed studying here at Babington House School, and to pursue employment opportunities created through our Work Experience Programme.