The BHSFA fosters our strong sense of ‘community’ amongst all families throughout the school, by arranging a number of social events as well as raising funds for the benefit of all Babington pupils.

A strong and supportive PTA
The BHSFA is more than just a fundraising body, it provides a social framework and engages children and families in the life of their school, thereby fostering that sense of community.

What do we do?
The BHSFA run several fundraising and social events throughout the year – this coming year, an outdoor cinema event, our Christmas Bazaar, the Babington Ball and for the first time ever, Happy’s Circus is coming to Babington! In addition to this we hold an Easter event for the children, like last year’s popular Easter Bunny Hop and several school discos throughout the year which the children thoroughly enjoy.

Every parent at the school is automatically a member of the Friends Association and we encourage you to attend meetings and find out what is happening at the school. You are welcome to be a silent observer or an enthusiastic contributor. We are always looking for help with planning and running our events throughout the year. We try to alternate meetings in school and via Teams to make it easier for everyone to attend.

The BHSFA run a successful second hand uniform shop and hold regular uniform sales throughout the year. The shop is open Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8.30-9am and can be accessed via the school car park by following the signs.

What have we achieved?
Through our fundraising efforts, the Friends Association have been able to purchase several significant items of note for the school:

Funding of a school minibus
‘Treetops’ playground equipment
Multi-Use Games Area surface and partial funding of a second MUGA

Who’s who?
Chair – Mrs E Kuglin
Treasurer – Mrs C Walford

For information about any of our events, the school shop or any other general enquiries, please email us at

Every little helps
We have registered with Easyfundraising. When you shop in over 4,000 retailers the BHSFA receive a small donation. It is free so please sign up at:

You can also support BHSFA when you shop on Amazon. Shop through:
