Babington House pupils are nurtured and challenged through a highly academic and stimulating curriculum, which promotes a love of learning and a thirst to know more.

Lessons are engaging, inspiring, and exciting, helping pupils grow and reach their full potential. We aim to develop self-confidence, happiness, and well-being as members of a caring community. We help pupils discover and nurture their talents through an enriching academic and co-curriculum, maximising every opportunity. Pupils can immerse themselves in every aspect of school life – be it art, music, drama, or sport, the opportunities at Babington House are numerous and there is always something for everyone.

We have high expectations for all our pupils while placing equal importance on becoming global citizens. Pupils at Babington are helped to understand themselves as individuals and how they can affect others in the school community and the wider world, showing tolerance and respect for the rich diversity
of the world in which we live.

Kindness, Courtesy, Determination, Honesty, and Respect form the cornerstones of all that we do and our high expectations of everyone in our school community ensure that Babington House is a warm, friendly environment where all thrive.

Babington House School believes in the power of learning for all. We are creatively curious, supportive, inclusive, and welcoming, believing everyone should be allowed to reach their full potential.

I look forward to meeting you. 

Mr. Showell