Weekly round-up – Summer 1 week 3

Friends and family joined us the morbid, macabre world of Gomez, Morticia, Fester, Grandma, Wednesday, Pugsley and Lurch as our amazing cast took to the stage on Friday and Saturday to perform our production of The Addams Family.
Our production showcased the wonderful singing, dancing and acting talents of our cast from years 3 to 11, well done to everyone involved and thank you to Director and Producer, Mrs Mcleod-Jones and Musical Director, Ms Nikula. It was a spooktactular show!
Some of our Year 7 students have been paired with members of Year 12 to help with their preparation in the run up to the end of year exams. We thought this would be especially useful as Year 12 are experts on revision having just gone through their GCSE exams and Year 7 won’t have sat many exams before. Year 12 were very keen to meet their mentees and they all seemed to get on well at the initial meeting, with questions about specific subjects keeping Year 12 on their toes, as well as general study tips. We hope that this will lead to a lasting relationship between the two year groups and have a positive impact on Year 7 as they approach their exams
Year 12 were treated to a talk by a former student, Abigail Hedley, who left Babington in 2017. Abigail went on to study Art at Ravensbourne College and now works as a buyer for Mountain Warehouse. Abigail told us about the route she took to her current position and discussed the importance of work experience and internships. She also told us about the fascinating world of fashion and the process of producing an item, as well as the role that the buyer plays in this. We would like to thank Abigail for taking the time to visit us, our students really enjoyed getting to know more about your career and life after Babington.
It was a big week for Athletics as our team competed in the Year 7 to 11 ISA Regional Athletics at Norman Park, and what a competition it was with our athletes achieving a total of 10 first places medals and two second place medals – an incredible achievement, well done to all of those that took part. A massive round of applause to Alessia, Charlie, Leela, Joshua, Summer, Ovie, Tobechi and Oliver who all qualified to compete at the ISA National Athletics Championships in one or more of their events.
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