At Babington House, our strong relationships with pupils enable a smooth transition as the children move into Year 7 and beyond.
Throughout their time in our Prep school, the children build relationships with staff from all areas of the school including those who teach in the Seniors. Our Year 5 and 6 pupils benefit from lessons taught within our senior school, such as our Art and Textiles department and our Science labs, ensuring a smooth transition as they approach the next stage of their academic journey.

We are one school, on one site and this means that our Year 7 pupils who have been with us in Prep have a seamless transition into secondary education, without anxiety or a sense of the unknown. Instead they have a sense of excitement to move onto the next stage of their schooling safe in the comfort that staff will know their name, will look after them, inspire them and know to make sure they fulfil their potential.
As part of our transition process, pupils experience a Senior school day to fully prepare them for their next chapter of their journey here at Babington. In addition, we host a welcome BBQ giving pupils and families the chance to meet each other, speak to our teachers and find out more about those important next steps as they progress into our Senior school.
There is the expectation that most students will stay after Year 6 and move into our outstanding Senior School, however a small number do move to the state grammar schools in the area. The 11+ examination is very significant and is something we have achieved remarkable success in over the years.
The 11+ preparation we have in place also prepares pupils to sit the Babington House Entrance Examination for Year 7 entry into the Seniors.