We set up our Sixth Form 10 years ago and within three years became the top small independent school for A Levels in the country (Telegraph League Tables).

Our results have remained extremely high ever since, outperforming the grammar and independent schools in the area, year in, year out. This is due to our hard working students, highly professional teaching , embedded pastoral care and a culture of achievement and support.

Now, more than ever, Sixth Form students are facing pressures and challenges. At Babington we provide the right balance of support and aspiration, making sure our students step out into the world with confidence, determination and courage to realise their dreams.

Being a small Sixth Form gives us a huge advantage. With teaching groups of about 8-10 students, we can tailor our lessons and curriculum to each student’s individual needs. We get to know every Sixth Former as an individual, finding their strengths and drawing out their talents. We know our students and they feel confident in finding support from us. With a small Sixth Form, we have the time and expertise to provide detailed, honed university advice and careers guidance. While academic endeavour is at the heart of what we do, Sixth Formers have the opportunity to immerse themselves in every aspect of the school and play a significant leadership role throughout our community.

“Preparing for life after school can seem a bit daunting but Babington has opened my eyes to the amazing opportunities on offer after leaving school. I’m currently studying Medicine at Kings College London, having been inspired by Babington and enthused by the Science and Maths teachers here” Recent leaver.

I warmly invite you to attend our Open Mornings or to book a private tour with me or Mr Showell. We would be delighted to help you map out your future success.

Mr Laird, Interim Headmaster