The Sixth Form curriculum allows students to focus on their academic passions as they choose from a wide range of subjects. It is a time of excitement and discovery as students explore the independence of learning.
Our students pursue three A Levels combined with the Extended Project Qualification. This choice allows them to tailor their studies to their individual interests and aspirations.
Lessons are taught by academic specialists with a passion for their subjects, with teaching going well beyond the confines of an examination syllabus, offering the best preparation for those next steps to the very top universities and beyond.
Our UCAS curriculum and Careers program provides students with personalised guidance for university applications, offering comprehensive support for both UK and overseas applications.
A Level Subjects
Art & Design
Course Description
Art & Design A Level is about using your creative and analytical skills to explore the world around you, working across a range of media to start developing your practical expertise. This course enables students to develop their skills, in the context of their chosen areas of study.
We offer two pathways for our students they can choose between Fine Art, Textile Design or 3D Design. In Fine art and 3D skills can be developed further in drawing, painting, mixed-media, sculpture, ceramics, installation, printmaking, moving image (video, film, animation), photography and product creation. In Textile design skills can be developed further in fashion design, fashion textiles, costume design, digital textiles, printed and/or dyed fabrics and materials, domestic textiles, wallpaper, interior design, constructed textiles, art textiles and installed textiles.
Students will create a sustained body of work focusing on chosen starting points during their component 1 and along with this work students are expected to write a 3000-word passage to support their sustained project. During component 2 the students will focus on a starting point given by the exam board on February 1st. The outcome will be realised in a 15-hour examination very similar to their GCSE Art / Textiles examination.
As well as giving you the chance to creatively engage with the world around you and develop technical skills, the study of Art and Design equips you with transferable skills that will support you in both further study and a range of careers. Possible degree options A-level Art and Design can prepare you for a range of degree courses including: 2D and 3D animation; fashion and textile design; film and media studies; game design; illustration; product design and graphic design; photography; set design.
Course Description
New knowledge in areas such as genetics, molecular biology, biochemistry, the environment, and marine science have profound effects on human society and the environment which we inhabit. The world moves quickly and to move with it and participate fully people need to be ‘in the know’. Studying biology gives you the skills and opportunities to advance human knowledge and understanding in today’s world, in order to make a difference to tomorrow.
This course enables students to develop essential knowledge and understanding of different areas of the subject and how they relate to one another. They also gain an appreciation of scientific methods, as well as practical, mathematical, and problem-solving skills.
Students will sit three examinations papers: Biological Processes (37%), Biological Diversity (37%) and Unified Biology (26%).
Whether deciding on a career in psychology, medicine, genetics, forensics, pharmacy, veterinary medicine, biochemistry or journalism, a biological qualification gives you many skills and increases your career options so you can adapt to the world changing around you.
Course Description
A Level Chemistry gives students an exciting insight into the contemporary world of chemistry. It covers the key concepts of chemistry and practical skills are integrated throughout the course. This combination of academic challenge and practical focus makes the prospect of studying A Level Chemistry highly appealing. Students will learn about chemistry in a range of different contexts and the impact it has on industry and many aspects of everyday life. You will learn to investigate and solve problems in a range of contexts and answer questions such as why ice floats, why onions make your cry and how aspirin stops pain in your body.
Students will sit three examinations papers: Periodic Table, Elements and Physical Chemistry (37%), Synthesis and Analytical Techniques (37%) and Unified Chemistry (26%).
Studying A-level Chemistry is an interesting and challenging experience and develops important transferrable skills including investigating, problem solving, research, decision making and mathematical and analytical skills which opens up a range of possibilities for further study and careers. It is an excellent base if you are interested in the pharmaceutical industry, forensics, environmental protection and healthcare and the skills gained are also useful in areas such as law and finance.
Computer Science
Course Description
Computer Science is a practical subject where learners can apply the academic principles learned in the classroom to real world systems. Computer Science will above all else be relevant to the modern and changing world of computing. It is an intensely creative subject that combines invention and excitement, and can look at the natural world through a digital prism.
A Level in Computer Science will value computational thinking, helping learners to develop the skills to solve problems, design systems and understand the power and limits of human and machine intelligence. Learners will develop an ability to analyse, critically evaluate and make decisions. The programming project is a vital component of ‘post-school’ life and is of particular relevance to Further Education, Higher Education and the workplace. Each learner is able to tailor their project to fit their individual needs, choices and aspirations.
A Level Computer Science consists of two examined components (01 and 02), externally assessed by OCR and one internally assessed and moderated non exam assessment component (03 or 04). Both examinations are of 2 hours and 30 minutes duration, each with a 40% weighting. The non-exam assessment component is weighted at 20%.
Experts in computer science and programming are becoming more sought-after year on year. Opportunities could include working within software and computer services companies. Career paths could lead to Data Analyst, Game Designer, Network Manager and Software Architect.
Course Description
A-Level Economics will give you an excellent understanding of how economies allocate their scarce resources to meet the needs and wants of their citizens. You will develop a greater understanding of the economic problems which face individuals, companies and governments on a local, national and global level and the alternative ways these problems can be resolved. You will investigate microeconomic topics such as how individual decisions impact economic outcomes, the importance of competition, how markets operate and why they fail and how the distribution of income and wealth is affected. Additionally, you will study macroeconomics, looking at the ‘big picture’ of how our national economy fits into the global context, the global impact of financial markets and monetary policy and the operation of the international economy.
At the end of the two-year course, you will sit three two hour written exams. Each exam will be worth one third of the A-level. Paper one will cover markets and market failure, paper two will cover the national and international economy and paper three will draw on material from the whole course.
You may choose to pursue a career in a directly related field such as banking or finance. The A-level course in Economics will stand you in good stead by giving you an insight and understanding of the economic forces that impact your day-to-day activities. Alternatively, you may decide to follow a career path which isn’t directly related to your course of study. The analytical and evaluation skills that you will have developed will be useful whatever path you choose in the future.
English Literature
Course Description
A Level English Literature allows students to develop a love of literature, as well as their own critical voice. Taught by highly qualified staff who are passionate about their subject, students perfect their writing skills and emerge with a sharp, analytical grasp of textual material. We encourage debate and visit the theatre to see current productions. In ‘Love through the ages’, the theme of love, one of the most central themes in literature, is explored across time. Students study a range of love poetry, F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby and Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Othello. In ‘Modern Times: literature from 1945 to the present day’ students explore three exciting texts: Tennessee Williams’ A Streetcar Named Desire, Carol Ann Duffy’s poems, Feminine Gospels, and Richard Yates’ novel Revolutionary Road. Students learn how to analyse these texts and understand how they reflect the times in which they were written.
Paper 1: Love through the ages Study of three texts: one poetry and one prose text, of which one must be written pre-1900, and one Shakespeare play. Examination will include two unseen poems. Assessed by 3 hour written exam (40% of A level) Section A: Shakespeare: one passage-based question with linked essay (25 marks) Section B: Unseen poetry: compulsory essay question on two unseen poems (25 marks) Section C: Comparing texts: one essay question linking two texts (25 marks)
Paper 2: Texts in Shared contexts Modern Times: literature from 1945 to the present day Study of three texts: one prose, one poetry, and one drama, of which one must be written post-2000 Examination will include an unseen prose extract. Assessed by written exam: 2 hours 30 minutes (40% of A-level) Section A: Set texts. One essay question on set text Section B: Contextual linking: one essay question linking two texts Section C: one compulsory question on an unseen extract
Non-examined assessment: Independent critical study: texts across time Comparative critical study of two texts, at least one of which must have been written pre-1900 One extended essay (2500 words) and a bibliography (20% of A level)
As a core subject, English Literature is a highly regarded A Level choice for students, leading to career pathways in law, public and social policy, publishing, print and social media, marketing, teaching and many others. It is highly valued by universities as it enables students to develop excellent written communication skills and teaches them to analyse complex topics from a variety of perspectives.
Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)
Course Description
The EPQ is a process-based qualification. It has been designed to encourage and develop skills including independent research, analysis, communication and how to plan and deliver a presentation to a small audience. This qualification is of particular interest to Higher Education institutions as it has been designed to prepare students for the rigorous demands and expectations within their chosen degree course.
Much of the work is carried out independently with the taught element of the course delivered by the EPQ mentors. Students are allocated a supervisor to support them during their project.Students may choose to take the Extended Project Qualification as an extension from an existing area of study or explore an area of personal interest.
The EPQ is equivalent to half an A Level and students will be expected to produce a Production Log, written report and show evidence of a presentation for assessment.
Course Description
Studying geography at A Level provides you with knowledge and understanding that is essential for any citizen of the planet in the 21st century. Through exciting topics, you will understand the nature of physical and human geography whilst unpicking the debates surrounding contemporary global challenges. The course will equip you with the skills necessary for success in higher education and the world of work. Geography is a multidisciplinary subject in a world that increasingly values people who have the skills to work across the physical and social sciences.
The AQA Geography specification is ‘issues based’ with many of the topics focused on the news headlines of today. This makes the subject highly relevant, thought provoking and interesting, providing an understanding and appreciation of the complex world in which we live. Geography’s flexibility and adaptability as either a science or an art helps to boost its popularity in the Sixth Form.
Geography A Level is assessed through two examinations and one piece of coursework at the end of Year 13:
- Unit 1 (40%) – Physical Geography
- Unit 2 (40%) – Human Geography
- Unit 3 (20%) – Geography Fieldwork Investigation
As a ‘facilitating’ subject, Geography is an ideal subject for those planning to study at university. Geography graduates have some of the highest rates of graduate employment. The subject equips you with a wide variety of transferable skills and a global perspective on social, economic and environmental concerns. Geographers go on to pursue careers in urban regeneration, energy supply, retail management, teaching, journalism, law, resource management, business management and many more.
Course Description
A Level History provides a balanced diet of topics, both geographically and chronologically. Studying History is an opportunity to time travel, but it also helps us understand and make sense of the world we live in now. We are forced to face the complexity of human nature and the range of economic, political, social and cultural forces, which influence the behaviour of individuals.
Our course includes a study of Russian, British and Chinese History from the 18th to the 20th centuries. The analytical skills developed through the study of History are extremely valuable and complement many other subjects.
Students will sit three examinations papers: Russia 1917-1991 (30%), Mao’s China 1949-1976 (20%) and Poverty, Public Health and the State of Britain (30%).
Coursework completes the final 20% of the assessment framework.
History is a highly regarded A Level and is an excellent foundation for further studies in Law, International Relations, History and other humanities subjects. History complements subjects such as Politics, Geography, Languages, English, and Economics at A Level as it offers a range of skills that help to raise your analytical abilities. History lends itself to a very wide variety of careers and historians are always in demand as a consequence of the skills they have acquired during their studies. Other than explicitly academic careers, historians can be found in almost all areas of the employment market and particularly so in law and journalism.
Course Description
During this course you will learn to extend your knowledge of algebra and geometry from GCSE and explore the ways in which mathematics can be applied in the real world. Areas which you will cover include: New topics such as coordinate geometry, series, differentiation and integration, all of which are highly algebraic and are an excellent introduction to Mathematics at a higher level. Branching further into pure Mathematics with topics such as logarithms and exponentials, radian measures and higher-level trigonometry. More complex pure Mathematics including trigonometric proofs, further differentiation and integration as well as numerical methods for finding solutions. Further and more complex work on coordinate geometry as well as vectors in 3D. Lots of the Mathematics studied in earlier core modules is linked together here. Mechanics: Mechanics introduces students to Mathematical modelling of everyday experiences, like driving a car, throwing a ball up in the air, walking across a bridge and playing snooker. In order to be successful in this area you need to be able to visualise a situation and simplify the forces acting on different parts of it. You will have a better understanding of how the physical world operates and how to use Mathematics to predict what will happen next following this module. Statistics: Using statistics, you will also get to interpret measures of central tendency and variation extending to standard deviation. You will also understand and use simple and discrete probability including the binomial and normal distributions.
The course is 100% examinable with 3 papers taken for a full A-Level at the end of the 2-year course.
Papers 1 and 2 are equally spread over Pure Mathematics with Paper 3 being shared equally between the Applied Mechanics and Statistics modules. Each paper is worth one third (33.3%) of the qualification.
Mathematics A Level is essential for studying Physics, Mathematics or Engineering at University. Other courses which benefit from Mathematics A-Level are Medicine, Economics, Accounting and other Sciences such as Sports Science.
Further Mathematics
Course Description
Further Mathematics must be studied alongside the standard Mathematics A-Level. Areas which you will cover include Further (Core) Pure Mathematics, Further Statistics and Further Mechanics.
Further Pure Mathematics introduces you to imaginary numbers, parabolic and hyperbolic equations, proof by induction and matrices. You will also learn further calculus with inverse trigonometric functions and first and second order differential equations. Additionally, there is an introduction to a new coordinate system: polar coordinates.
The course is 100% examinable with 4 exams taken for a full A-Level at the end of the 2-year course.
Papers 1 and 2 cover all Further Pure Mathematics with Papers 3 and 4 focusing on Further Mechanics and Further Statistics separately. Each paper is worth 25% of the qualification.
It is becoming more and more common for universities to request Further Mathematics as one of their core requirements in subjects such as Mathematics, Engineering and Physics. In addition, any students wanting to study any of these subjects will find these more challenging courses more manageable if they have studied Further Mathematics.
Physical Education
Course Description
As the benefits of physical activity are proved both physiologically and psychologically, and as the message is delivered to the masses regarding how mental well-being can be hugely improved with some physical exertion, an ever-developing market has grown around this with links to many different industries. Physical Education is one of the fastest growing and exciting areas of study and links very well to many developing industries both within elite and foundation levels of activity and sport. A-Level PE provides a hugely broad topic base including Anatomy and Physiology as well as Psychology, Biomechanics and the development of Physical Education and the history of sports as we know them today.
Students will sit two examinations papers weighted at 35% each. The non-examined practical component is 30% of the final grade.
A-Level Physical Education delivers a well-rounded and full introduction to the world of PE, sport, and sports science, providing a strong base from which to move on to higher education, employment, or further training. A Level PE can open a range of career opportunities including sports development, sports coaching, physiotherapy, sports journalism, personal training or becoming one of the next generations of PE teachers. Opportunities in sport today are exciting and vast.
Course Description
Physics A Level is an exciting and highly regarded qualification which opens up a range of possibilities for further study and careers. The course content covers the basis of how things work, from the constituent parts of atoms out to the extent of the universe. Students will integrate the concepts studied with a range of practical experiments throughout each topic giving the course both an academic and practical focus. Students will learn to apply their knowledge of the key concepts to solve problems in a range of different contexts and applications and answer thought provoking questions such as how fast you would have to travel to fool a speed camera or why the universe behaves the way it does.
Students will sit three examinations papers: Modelling Physics (37%), Exploring Physics (37%) and Unified Physics (26%).
Physics is a highly regarded subject for higher education and many technical careers because of the thinking skills and problem solving involved. It is essential for many areas of Engineering, Medicine and Science and is useful for subjects such as Computing, Architecture, Geology, Teaching and even Finance and Business.
Course Description
Psychology is a fascinating study of the human mind and behavior. We study many theories in the context of real life. It is the scientific study of the mind and human and non-human behavior. Psychologists observe and conduct experiments to find out more about the way people act and interact. They try to understand what motivates, challenges or changes us and use this understanding to help us tackle personal and social problems.
Studying psychology will help you address key ideas and debates in our world today, for example: why is it that some people suffer from stress and mental illness, do early childhood experiences influence our later development?
You will be able to hone your analytical and organisational skills and learn about scientific research methods, including collecting and working with data. You will develop transferable skills which will benefit you in further education or in your career. Learning about human behaviour can also help to build your communication skills and improve your teamwork and leadership skills.
Students will sit three 2-hour examination papers:
- Paper 1 Introductory topics in psychology
- Paper 2 Psychology in context
- Paper 3 Issues and debates and other options
Psychology is a highly regarded A Level that can be built towards the study of several degree courses such as Psychology, Medicine, English, Sociology, Business Studies, Teaching, Sport and Exercise Science and Law. Studying Psychology can give you a whole host of exciting career options, including: Marketing, Business Development, Accountancy, Human Resources, Forensic Psychology, Occupational Therapy, Clinical Psychology, Nursing and Teaching to name a few.
Course Description
Politics attempts to analyse, understand and explain the relationship between political ideas, institutions and processes. The A Level focus is on: parliament, government and the people; representative democracy; participation; the structures of authority and power; the rights and responsibilities of individuals; engagement with contemporary politics in the UK; current political debates; and the links between political ideologies and political action. With an incredible series of unexpected and unpredictable events at home and abroad in recent years, the study of Politics has never been more relevant or more fascinating and it’s a great subject for those with enquiring minds and a desire to find out just what is going on in the world today and why. A Level Politics at Babington House follows the Edexcel course, focusing on British and US Politics.
Students will sit three equally weighted papers at the end of the course:
- UK Politics (2 hours)
- UK Government (2 hours)
- Comparative Politics (2 hours)
Politics is a well-regarded A Level and will help to provide you with many of the skills required for university study, although if you already have a university and course in mind, you should check their specific entry requirements before choosing your A levels. A Politics A level is not required to study the subject at degree level but many Politics students enjoy the subject so much that they continue their studies at undergraduate level or in related subjects such as International Relations. Some Politics students do in fact go on to work in the political sphere, while other popular career options include law and journalism.
Course Description
The vision of the MFL department at Sixth-Form is for students to build their confidence and enthusiasm in communicating in the target language, as well as creating an appreciation for the culture of Spanish speaking countries. At A Level, the study of a language reaches a depth where fluent discussions, both orally and written are possible. Our lessons are mainly conducted in the target language, encouraging students to develop their Spanish fluency by the end of Year 13.
The Modern Foreign Languages courses are designed for students interested in languages and who enjoy learning about other cultures and ways of life. An A Level in languages challenges students to develop not only their ability to communicate effectively in the foreign language but also their ability to analyse information and apply knowledge on an array of topics.
During the course, students will be expected to independently develop their language skill by reading contemporary Spanish language articles, listening to recordings and podcasts and watching visual materials.
- Paper 1 – Listening, reading and translation from Spanish to English (2 hours). 40% of A-Level Grade
- Paper 2 – Translation from English to Spanish, an essay on a piece of literature and an essay on a film (2 hours 40 minutes) 30% of A-Level Grade
- Paper 3 – Speaking: Discussion of a theme and a presentation and discussion on a topic of your choice (21-23 minutes including 5 minutes preparation time) 30% of A-Level Grade
Modern languages have a unique place in higher education in that almost any degree course can be taken with a modern foreign language. Spanish and Hispanic Studies can be single subject degrees at university but are often combined with another subject. The study of a language is particularly common in Business Management, Engineering and Technology, History, Philosophy and Law courses. Many of these courses include a year abroad in a university or company in a Spanish-speaking country.
Above all a language is a tangible practical skill that can remain an asset throughout life and that is highly valued by employers who look for adaptable open-minded candidates. Languages open up opportunities to work in a wide number of fields and countries around the world, without limiting career choices.
The wide range of university courses available that include the study of Spanish means that this subject can be combined with a wide range of A Level subjects.